Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

NOTE 2012

        Footsteps in tune with his swing, gentle breathing rhythm with the flow of blood through our veins, is there anything that passed in the course of years ago ..??, Is there anything lacking?, Is there anything wrong in the act and say?, is there anything that has not been achieved dreams and our dreams ...??. If anyone missed .. we have to repeat. If anything is missing .... we need to find it again. If there is nothing wrong .... we have to look inward. If anyone has not been achieved ..... we have to try again. If what you have achieved last year we rightly make us more grateful and appreciate the work, respect for others, respect for nature that has been supplying all our needs, and respect ourselves. What has happened and we experienced last year was a little note in the course of life. It is appropriate that we make a mirror and record yourself in stride for years to come. Do what we have achieved last year makes us forget, arrogant and unconcerned with others and the natural surroundings. What we've achieved is a result of hard work, prayer and grace friends about God. Life is a play ---- play it, life is a work ---- do it, life is devotion ----- do with sincere, life is a gift ---- give thanks. Do the best for yourself, family, community, country and God. Happy new year 2013, I would expect a successful.

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